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Main Page questions Stick Man Plasma Logo Magic Egg!

Welcome to the EBG Documentation page. This page is used to keep a catalogue of updates to the existing PDF documentation. This data here may be "frequently" changing or just very new.

When we say Plasma EBG we are talking about a Plasma project - the official page for this is at: plasma.alphadimensions.net/projects/ebg/. On this page you will find alot of the information about where EBG is heading, including some information about Preview Release 2, which is upcoming.

Previous full releases of EBG documentation is released at most once every 6 months. A list of previous releases are below (in PDF form):

Since that last document came out there has been alot of work done in EBG, and hence some of the documented features have been changed. The latest "UML" class diagram for our class structure is available here (~74kB). It specifies some classes that have not been made yet - like the 2d and 3d modes of viewing - however it does show where they will fit in. Another area in development is the Network related areas - however these are more advanced than the multiple viewing modes at this time.

The UML diagram above is a "summarised" class heirachy only. If you are interested in the complete UML diagram take a look at it here: complete EBG UML (~200kB).

Another "feature" update is the roadmap which is updated every month to point to the correct "You are here" as well as showing the proper milestones and branches that are required. This is available here.

Bugzilla is also another way to keep informed about this project. Please report bugs to Bugzilla for EBG.

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Main Page questions Stick Man Plasma Logo Magic Egg! -

Last modified: Mon Jul 16 15:26:40 EST 2001