Plasma EBGThe Plasma EBG Logo Image


The Metaverse / Plasma EBG

This is the binary snapshot page for Plasma EBG. The Project page for EBG is at: On this page you will find alot of the information about where EBG is heading, including some information about Preview Release 1, which is upcoming.

Updated documentation is now available at: EBG/doc.

So you can see what EBG is and what it looks like, try the Screenshots Page.

These binaries are provided AS-IS. Please note that they are in development, and may produce un-expected results. Be WARNED

If you would like to have a brief "run-through" of the features of EBG-main - please read Release Notes aka a quick guide to EBG-main.

The Latest version of EBG is now 0.26.21. Since it has been such a long time since a release, a new snapshot has been made. This release is another few steps closer to the first milestone - "Milestone 1". The new features in this release include preliminary Attacking AI - This is only noticeable if two different players join a network game (This can also be done if one player joins and then re-enteres the game as another user [different name or user host].)

Although many things are getting completed - this release is still far from being a proper have with proper game-play. Some features may be hard to see - as the user interface has not yet been made intuitive so if you find a problem or inconsistancy please contact us

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Unfortuneatly the plasma server is currently down. Many of the links on this page may be unreachable because of this. If the outage continues much longer these links will be mirrored elsewhere. If you see any broken links you can report them to Me.

Please report bugs to Bugzilla for EBG.


Last modified: Mon Sep 17 10:00:33 EST 2001