Konstanty has a Digital Camera Volume 9 - Week 1

Photos from the second and third week back at uni.

Ugh. There are way too many photos.

These pics are also grouped by category as there are many of them.

Monday's GC Photos.

Thomas was nice enough to lend some batteries to the camera :)

Dan Cowan in the Great Court.

Thomas can drink two PEPSIs
(Yes he did get a 'TZ' x 2)

Thomas gets Elsie into a photo.

Angela and Thomas in the GC.

Tuesday around Brisbane.

Angela's sister Rachael.

Sam / Spooky reads a book.

Angus does CS182.

Angela gets to listen to some
GC in the GC.

James shows Angela and Craig
what GC is.


Ingrid, David and some
legs in the GC.

Aerial Photo Number 1.

Aerial Photo Number 2.
Can you spot the difference(s)?

Anthony and Angela.

Erin's and Anthony's.

Erin and Anthony.

Tuesday: Lionell, Elliot, Jenny and Cathryn.

From below.


Karl and Andrew
under the Physics annex.

Al is met on
staff house road.

Al enjoys his
photo with Louise.

Konstanty and Louise.

Joseph - shows his ID.

Wednesday: More Photos...

Peter Moyle walks through the GC.

Colin gets Natalie and ??
in a photo

Many people are caught on camera.

James in the GC.

James tries to get a photo
with motion blur.

David/Oberon gets a photo.

Someone walks across the GC
but is stopped by the sprinkler
before and after.

James and Konstanty.

2 x Erin.

Thursday in the GC

Louise, Natalie and ???
under the physics annex.

Lionell under the physics annex.

David/littlegimp has shorter hair.

Angela, Belinda and Erin.

Natalie watches
Louise and Colin
read a magazine.

Colin and Louise make sure
the photo is taken when they
are not on *that* page.

Francis (Erin's Sister)
comes to UQ.

Erin and Francis.

Louise sits.

Jenny 1 second after
greeting Elliot.

David / Asphinter says hello (weiner).

Tim and Belinda.

Justin does a
Savage Garden impresonation.

Justin says `YOU!'

Becky "close-up".

Friday at last.

It is a rainy day...
Many people under the physics annex

The powerful Lionell.

Brendan and David.

Brendan and Catheryn.

Erin looks at the camera.

Lionell does some domain adding


Back to the Index of volume 9.

Images here were taken by Konstanty Bialkowski.